Category Archives: Primary 7

‘Friends of Lawmuir’ Disco

Last night’s disco was the first event of the year ran by ‘Friends of Lawmuir’ PTA.Everyone really seemed to enjoy themselves with lots of fun, dancing and many prize winners.

Thank you to all the parents and staff who volunteered to come along and make the night a huge success.

Take a look at the photos below.

School Meals Consultation Group

Boys and girls from the Pupil Council recently took part in a feedback session on School Meals. They had the opportunity to taste a variety of meals from the current menu and some possible future choices. The opinions they all gave were invaluable and will be used to help plan future school meal menus.

Well Done everyone!

Walk to School Week

Get extra exercise during Health Fortnight by  taking part in Walk to School Week.

JRSOs will be visiting your class to survey how many of you walked. Prizes will be issued on Thursday to the class with the highest percentage total. Get walking to school!

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Walk to School Competition

Remember to have your new shoe design completed and entered in the competition by Thursday 21st May.

Download an entry form below if you have lost yours.

Walk to School Competition Entry