Category Archives: Head Teacher’s Update

Head Teacher’s Update

First Week of Term

It’s been a great first full week back at school.  Everyone looked so smart in their school uniforms and it was lovely to hear the chatter and laughter as the children caught up with their friends and teachers after the holiday.  The children are lining up so well, and earning lots of Lovely Line Points.

Lawmuir Values

Our expectations are simple and clear, to encourage all children:

  • to be safe in all areas of the school and ensure other children are safe too.
  • to be to successful by being ready to learn and work hard in class
  • to be sensible by being respectful of all adults, classmates and other children
  • to be smart by always making the right choices

By being safe, successful, sensible and smart , children are recognised by earning Robbie Rewards in and around the school. These rewards contribute to our House Reward System and are counted and updated each week at assembly.

When children go ‘Over and Above’ in class, this is also recognised and celebrated.  Pupils who regularly go ‘Over and Above’ will be recognised through our weekly ‘School Values Awards’ ‘Head Teachers Awards’ and ‘Playground Awards’.

Pupils who have followed the school values all week will receive a green recognition sticker/stamp weekly on their chart.

Lovely Line Points

We also expect children to be safe, smart, successful and smart when lining up to come in to school.

We recognise when the children do this and award the class by awarding lining up points in the morning aswell as at playtimes and lunchtimes.

Our first weekly winners will be announced at assembly on Friday!

After-School Clubs

We hope to begin our after schools programme later in the term. Look out for more information from Miss Harper coming your way.

Flu Immunisation

This will take place on Monday 19th September for P1-7 children.

Permission slips have been received into school from NHS Lanarkshire and should be retuned as soon as possible.

PE Days

Click on the following link to view details of our PE days:

PE Days

Lunch Menu Week Beginning 29th August 2022

It is Week 3 of the menu in the school this week:

NLC Primary School Menu

All children in Nursery to Primary 5 receive a free meal. Parents/carers of children in Primary 6 and Primary 7 who may be eligible for a free school meal can find more information here.

Primary 7 Outdoor Education Week – 19th – 22nd September

Pupils in Primary 7 have had information issued on Outdoor Education week. If you haven’t already done so please complete the permission form and return as soon as possible to your child’s class teacher.

Class Charters

 As part of our continued work on Children’s Rights each class has been discussing UNCRC articles. Pupils have been selecting the articles most relevant to them and creating  a class charter which they promise to uphold collectively during the school year.

Robbie’s UNCRC Article of the Month

As a school we focus on one or two articles per month.

This month’s article is 42 – Knowledge of Rights.  

Learn more by accessing the video – click here.

Annual Data Check

If you haven’t already done so, please return your annual data check. It is important we hold your most up to date contact information in case of emergencies. You can also update us throughout the year should anything change by emailing the school office E:

What’s On Next Week