Welcome to our new school website!

We are delighted to announce that our new website is open.

We consulted with pupils, parents and staff to find out how to improve our website.

If you want to know anything about our school this is the place to look. We will keep adding information so make sure you visit regularly.

Our web address hasn’t changed so you should still use www.lawmuir.n-lanark.sch.uk.

If you have any suggestions on how we can make our site even more impressive please let us know.

The Web MastersDSCF4063

9 thoughts on “Welcome to our new school website!”

  1. The new website looks fantastic and has lots of useful information! Great Work Web Masters!!! 🙂

  2. This website is so much better than the last one. It has a better layout and is more modern.

  3. This new website has lots more information than the old one. Very impressed with the new layout.

  4. The new website is great. It is easy to navigate and full of helpful information. We shall continue to use this on a regular basis to keep us up to date with all that goes on at Lawmuir Primary School.

  5. Enjoyed hearing about school topics and how the kids are progressing, enjoyed flicking through the folders and seeing all the hard work!

  6. Enjoyed hearing about school topics and how the kids are progressing, enjoyed flicking through the folders and seeing all the hard work love the new website

  7. The new website looks fantastic, well done webmasters! Such a lot of information is on there, it might take me a while to read through it all! Miss Hosie

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