Category: blogging

  • Up and Running

    Up and Running

    Glow Blogs are back from their weekend break. Hopefully even better, running on new infrastructure.   featured image Atalanta and Hippomemes, in the foreground Atalanta kneeling to pick up an apple and Hippomemes running with an apple in either hand, in the landscape background Atalanta running, from a series of four mythological scenes Public Domain…

  • Example Mobile Post

  • Looks like Glow Blogs embeds giphy gifs HT @cogdog Can Wordprezz Embedz GIF? – CogDogBlog

  • Connectors in Outlook Groups

      I am hoping that this blog post will feed into a test outlook group. It looks like there are a lot of possibilities…

  • Scratch


    Glow Blogs now support the embedding of scratch, just paste in the URL to a project.     Here is a gif showing how I added this. It is so quick you don’t see the URL I paste in. Scratch is becoming more popular in Scottish classrooms all the time, now glow users can display their projects…

  • YouTube No Related Videos

    If you do not want related videos shown at the end of your video, you add ?rel=0 after the url before pasting it in: You can see the url I pasted in as an example as it is not on a line by itself. The video was added by pasting the url with ?rel=0 on…

  • Slate embed

    The Devil’s Pulpit On twitter Craig Wilson asked about embedding Adobe slates. I just grabbed the code from an old one to test. It is not really an embed. It is just an image with a link. It works fine here in glow blogs. You need to switch to the text editor to paste in…

  • An Example Post with a Cloud

    This is a picture of the sky.  

  • Multiple image uploads on iOS

    It is now possible to upload multiple photos on iOS using Mobile Safari to Glow Blogs. I am not sure when this change happened and if it is due to upgrades to iOS/Safari or the recent WordPress upgrade on Glow Blogs. Here is a gallery uploaded from my iPad. And here is another one showing…

  • Learning about copyright

    Today I am in Glenboig Primary talking about copyright. Primary 4/5 are learning to blog. We looked at where I got this nice photo of a Mountain Lion. It was taken by Michael D. Hall.   It is important only to use picture you are allowed to. allows you to use their pictures if…

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