This week’s info

Well we have had another very busy week in school. All children are enjoying their respective social subjects topics. All things Egyptian are already emerging in the infant department and Primary Four and Five have created stunning artwork on the Vikings. In the upper area we are being treated to Henry VIII and his six wives! Along with this topic Rooms 12, 13 and 14 were able to link Guy Fawkes, the Gunpowder Plot and the persecution of Catholics back in the day.
Primary Seven presented their ‘inventions’ assembly and gave us such a great walk through the ages with lots of reflection on inventions which still impact on our lives. The consensus from everyone was that the ‘wheel’ was the most important – I think the mobile phone came a close second!
On Tuesday of this week Mrs Duffy hosted a regional Eco Meeting. This involved pupils from at least ten other school visiting our grounds, discussing all matters relating to Eco and assisting us in working in our garden area. The Eco team from North Lanarkshire Council who were represented at the meeting commented on how articulate and engaging our pupils were. Well done Rebecca Smith and Iona Durno.
This Monday we will be observing a minute of silence at 11:00 to allow the children to acknowledge the contribution of our war dead. Many children have been buying poppies over the past two weeks.
We have also been gathering in our annual shoebox appeal. We are hoping to top last year’s 140 boxes! This is a tremendous charity and our children love making the boxes up – many thanks to all parents for their assistance with this.
Finally – we know that when our backdrop goes up for our nativity/Christmas show that rehearsals are in full swing. Primary Seven all now know their roles and are busy learning their lines. Primary one, two and three are in great voice during their practices. I do hope you enjoy the finished product in a few weeks’ time.

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