We are having great fun this week completing various science activities. Primary 4 have been looking at how John Pemberton accidentally discovered Coca-Cola by making their own fizzy drinks. I wonder how those drinks tasted!
Author: Mr Murray
Comic Relief
Well done to all pupils for their excellent effort in dressing up as their favourite book character for Comic Relief. We raised £270 pounds for charity.
Art Exhibition
Our Art Exhibition takes place on Tuesday 25 th February at 3.30pm. Come along and see the wonderful art created by our pupils as part of Celebrating Lanarkshire 2013. Please feel free to leave us some comments about your visit.
Thank You
Scottish Assembly
Children performed poems and Scottish songs with St Aloysius pupils.
Open Afternoon
We held an Open Afternoon for our parents and friends to let them come and visit to find out how we learn through maths and language tasks in school. We also spent time showing them how to add comments to our school blogs.
Enterprise Committee
This year the Enterprise Committee have been working hard on organising events for the school. We completed the Christmas Card project in December where every child had to design their own card. These were then printed professionally and parents were asked if they wanted to purchase the final designs. The project was a huge success and we made over £300 for our school. Thank you to everyone who helped us make this money.
House Shield Task
We had an enterprise activity in school organised by our Enterprise Committee. Pupils were put into groups of four and had to design a brand new shield for their house which illustrated the skills and qualities you would need to be in each house. Each group had to purchase all the materials they would need to create their shield and at the end of the challenge, all pupils voted on their favourite design.
Whole School Enterprise
Welcome to our Enterprise Blog. we will be posting news on school enterprise events as they take place throughout the year.
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