Easter Assembly

Our P5 pupils did a fantastic job of telling us the Easter Story.  They combined great acting and excellent singing to perform an amazing show.  Everyone was very proud of their performance.  Our musicians played well before the show with both violin and trumpet players giving confident performances.  Our school choir performed at the end of our assembly and for the first time incorporated a ‘Flashmob’ into their performance.

Annual Egg Hunt

It’s that time of year again where pupils compete in our Easter Egg Hunt to collect points for their houses.  This is the last chance to collect house points before term winners are announced so it is very competitive.  So far Livingstone House are winning but will they keep their lead or will the other houses take over?  Keep checking back for updates.

Our new Wigloo

We had a fantastic day outdoors today planting our brand new willow classroom or ‘Wigloo’ as we will be calling it. Despite the snow, wind and rain, a brave group of pupils (and a few parents, teachers and office staff) were joined by two park rangers from Drumpelier Park to complete this project. All pupils worked very hard to create the classroom and a tunnel. We would like to say a big thank you to Colin and Dave from Drumpelier and also Mr Glover, Miss Kennedy, Mrs Baillie and Mrs Robertson for assisting with the building. Mrs Brown and Mr Murray also enjoyed working with pupils on this activity and it was great to see everyone enthusiastic about this new venture. Michael and Adam from St Aloysius Primary also came along to get involved and we hope that both schools will enjoy using this space for outdoor learning.

P4 Science

Primary 4 completed an experiement called Smart Dust.  They had to set up a circuit to see if water would conduct electricity.  After testing they decided to try adding salt to see if this would make a difference.  All pupils worked very effectively together and had great fun.

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