Thursday Kilbowie update

Hi everyone, Still having a great week and can’t believe Thursday has come around so quickly! Today lots of us have been getting wet in the name of fun with canoeing and kayaking. Miss Hendrie decided to go out twice to gorge walking today, a glutton for punishment! We also had groups climbing, cycling and skiing. The main thing is everyone has been fantastic and have really thrown themselves into all the activities. Now everyone is getting ready for the highlight of the week … the disco! Thanks to everyone who has passed on message, all the children have really enjoyed getting them. Tonight will be the last blog although I will post more photos when I get WIFI at home!!! We have had an amazing time but we are also looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow about 2.30pm ish. 🙂 (A text will be sent nearer the time to update you) Bye for now…

Author: Mrs Brown

Head Teacher Chapelhall Primary School

13 thoughts on “Thursday Kilbowie update”

  1. Hey Becca,

    Hope you’ve not missed us too much ha ha. Looks like you have all had a blast altough you seem to be avoiding most of the pictures (nothing new there then). Enjoy yourself at the disco tonight and we all can’t wait to see you tomorrow to hear all about your adventures.

    Love you loads
    Mum, Dad, Rach and the wee horror xxxx

  2. Hi becca looks like you have been having a great time with all of your activities. Have a great time at the disco tonight

    From Rachel xxxxx

  3. Hello Becca…Almost over…It appears that you have a great time… Enjoy your party tonight and will hear all about it when you get home…..
    Love Gran & Grandpa F

  4. Hi Carly
    Can’t see you in any of the photos but that’s probably because you are getting stuck into all the activities. Enjoy your disco and looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.
    Love you mum and dad xxx

  5. Hi Keir,

    See your still managing to use your hair gel!!!
    Love the selfie!
    Hope you all have a great time at the disco tonight, see you tomorrow! Xxxx

    Lindsay ( Keir’s Mum) xxx

  6. Hi Keir,

    See your still managing to use your hair gel!!!
    Love the selfie!
    Hope you all have a great time at the disco tonight, see you tomorrow! Xxxx

    Lindsay ( Keir\’s Mum) xxx

  7. What a fast week it’s been for you all! I hope you enjoy the disco tonight. I don’t know how you have any energy left for dancing. I can’t wait to see you tomorrow Finlay. Have a great last day!!!

  8. Sorry to those who don’t see pictures of their child, I can only upload pics of those in a group I am with at the time. More on other devices I can load from home easier, hopefully some of your children there. Tried group and table photos too:)

  9. Hi Lauren. Hope you enjoyed the disco. Will see you at the school tomorrow. Might even bring my car ! Scott and Eilidh have been in it already. Enjoy your last day. Lots and lots of love from Mum x x

  10. Hi Kirstin,
    You all look like you have had a great time, enjoy your disco tonight and will see you tomorrow we have missed you loads.
    Hugs and kisses mum, dad and Lee xxxx

  11. Good night wee Sophie toasty hope you danced your sick off lol :-)) xx
    See you tmrw yeahhhhhhh xxx
    Love you xxxx :-)) xxx

  12. Hi Ryan, sounds like an amazing week away! Look forward to hearing all about it when you get back home today xx

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