York update

Hi everyone. We are now back on the busy after a very busy and tiring day in York. Our/your children have received compliments today on their behaviour. Very impressed with everyone. A few blog replies- “breakfast was nearly as good as mum’s,the scooter wouldn’t fit in the bus and we have spent lots of money on presents.”

Tonight we planned to walk down into Scarborough but the weather doesn’t look too favourable and we are all very tired so that plan may change. Here’s hoping for a dry day tomorrow in Flamingoland.

Keep the comments coming as the children as loving reading them and keeping in touch with brothers, sisters and parents. I will keep trying to update as often as possible.

32 thoughts on “York update”

  1. I am glad you are all having such an amazing time, I said you would! Shame the weather has not been great, It’s been worse here though! Have a fantastic time tonight and enjoy Flamingoland tomorrow.

  2. Hope that the weather clears up for tonight an also for tommorrow hope you all sleep tonight and hope you don’t have knight mares tonight. Have a great time.
    From Chachel, Lewis, Mum and Dad xxx

  3. We all love looking at the photos and reading the updates :-)) hope the weather improves , have a lovely night Sophie , I have made marshmallows tophats tonight and will make more for you coming home on Friday , all the ones tonight have been scoffed ,lol! I’ll show dad the blog updates and photos tonight when he’s home from work .. Love mum
    Dad , and all the gang :-)) x x

  4. Sounds like you have all had a busy day! Ryan I bet you can\’t wait to go on the rides at Flamingo Land! Will keep my fingers crossed for you that the sun is shining tomorrow xxx

  5. Great to see all the photos, looks as if you are all having fun. Big shout to Douglas, hope you are having a great time wee man. Rachel, we are all missing you but glad you are having lots of fun, enjoy Flamingoland tomorrow, gutted I am not there with my roller coaster buddy 🙂
    Love Mum, Dad & Amy

  6. Hi Kirstin and friends,

    Looks like you’re all having amazing time on your school trip! Fingers crossed the weather is good for Flamingo Land tomorrow, I’m sure it will be amazing! Much better than school work any day I’m jealous 🙂 looking forward to hearing all about it when you’re back! Lots of love from your big cousin Arlene xx

  7. The PTA all say a big hello to all the boys girls and staff on the York trip. Missing you.

  8. Hope you’re having fun Lauren and will see you at the weekend. Lots of love Nainey and Dougie xx

  9. Alright SB, you’re managing to avoid the photo’s! Hope you are all having a great time. You must be knackered with everything you’re doing. Enjoy your early night tonight (aye right). Missing you heaps and hunners (so’s Toph . . . . . he had to make his own tea tonight, not amused!). Enjoy xXx

  10. Really enjoying seeing all the photographs. Looks like you had another great day. Hope the sun shines tomorrow and really pleased that the scooter didn’t fit in the bus !!!!!!! Missing you lots Lauren. Xxxx

  11. Hi Kids
    Great to see pics, whish I was there!
    Hope you eating your breakfast Dougie
    Hi Rachel M. x
    I don’t need to tell you all to enjoy F.land tmrw!
    Velocity is great fun!!
    Sleep well
    Miss you Dougie See you soon.
    Wee blackbird chicks doing well, not many feathers yet!!
    Ruth (mum) x

  12. Hi Glad to hear you are all having a good time. Well done for behaving and making the school proud.

    Carly hope you have a great time at Flamingo Land.

    Love you pal mum xxx

  13. You guys are so jammy. I wish I was there!!! Hope the weather is sunny for tomorrow. Have fun!

    Grace x

  14. Finster,

    Oscar wanted to say, Grrr.. woof woof woof, grrr…

    Which we all know means “I like Flamingos but couldn’t eat a whole one…”

    Enjoy flip flopping and cliff hanging – glad I get out of it this year.

  15. Hi Aidan, hope your having a fab time in York. Have a great day in Flamingo Land everyone. Look forward to seeing the photos.

    Love Mum, Dad and Matthew xxx

  16. Loving all the great pictures it shows what a great time you are all having, hope the weather is good tomorrow and you all have an amazing time at flamingo land.
    Love you loads Kirstin from mum dad lee and Harley xx

  17. hi everyone hope you all have an amazing time at flamingo land!!

    Kimberley and mirran missing u abigail and making lots of welcome home things for you!

    lots of love mum xx

  18. Hi P-sixers, you look like your having fun, Ellie your bed is rubbish I’m moving back to my own tonight…only kidding,, see you soon Emilie x

  19. Hi Nathan..just to say the house is too quiet without you & Lewis is suffering from not having his big bro to play kicking the ball about the living room with ! Hope you’ve enjoyed spending your money and your adventures so far! Get some rest for tomorrow’s excitement…everyone! Hope the weather gets better for tom’w for you. Hope your having a great time….xx

  20. hi everyone glad you are all enjoying yourself,s and looking after the teachers

  21. Goodnight Sophie :-)) big sleeps for another fun day tmrw at flamingo land :-)) goodnight hugs and love .. Mum, dad and all the gang :-)) xx

  22. Hi Reece
    Hope you get a good nights sleep tonight and have a smashing day at Flamingo Land tomorrow. Cant wait to see the photos. You’ll be pleased to know Man City won 4-0 tonight it wasn’t the same without our boy though, we are going to have a fantastic weekend in Manchester for your birthday. Love you lots, miss you…Mum, Dad and Bails xxx

  23. Ryan, your challenge tomorrow should you accept it is: Kumali. Have fun! Dad, Mum and C xx

  24. Ryan, have a fantastic day at Flamingo Land tomorrow – will it be “Hero” or “Kumali” first??? Can’t wait to hear all about it! Mum x x

  25. Good to see you’ve all had/having a fab time. Think corridor patrol may get an easy night as you’ve had such a busy day. Don’t worry about the weather tomorrow, just have a great time regardless and make sure you get the teachers to join you on all the rides. Mrs Robertson likes the scary ones! See you friday Cameron

  26. Hi kids,
    Looks like you are all having a great time, enjoy Flamingoland tomorrow and look after all those adults. See you all on Monday, love from all the dinner ladies xx

  27. Hope u are all having a great time, but the office ladies are really
    missing our morning break helpers.

  28. Have fun at Flamingo Land Chloe. Megan, Anna, Carson and Kai are missing you and hoping for some presents.

    Your Mum says you are to wear your jacket.

    Love Dad

  29. Good morning Francesca ,another busy day ahead for you. We hope you have a Fab time today in Flamingo land 🙂 and the weather stays nice and dry for all the p6’s. Love Daddy , Mary ,Cole Chloe and Nieve xxxx xxxx .

  30. Have a great day at flamingoland. See you all tomorrow. Remember and take lots of pics and smile I all of them.
    love from chachel xxx

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