York pictures

Oh what a really busy day. Lots of tired but very happy children. Ghost walk was a great success with lots of children watching for ghosts in their rooms tonight! Castle museum was excellent especially as it was a little wet outside whilst we were lunching inside. (We did let them out of the prison and the gallows). I think the smells of the Jorvik Centre will be a lasting memory for many as will the tank driving at the MAP and that includes all the staff too. Pictures of this to follow (as soon as I can get technology devices all charged and connected). It is great to read your comments and the children are loving that too. Please pass on to others how easy it is and I am delighted that  you are all enjoying the communication. Just have patience as we are on the go all the time and it is difficult to get enough of a signal to upload pictures at times. (Please note the times of this post) Be reassured that everyone is having a fantastic time and even when there are little hiccups, they are very short lived and they still don’t want to come home. We have also had some very complimentary comments from others about our well behaved and well  mannered group, so be proud.  looking forward to Flamingoland tomorrow

17 thoughts on “York pictures”

  1. Thank you for keeping us updated. Sounds like you had an amazing day. Enjoy Famingo Land, fingers crossed for good weather!

  2. Looks like you`re all having a great time. Hope you have good weather today and a great times had by all at Flamingo Land ….. Have fun…looking forward to seeing you tomorrow Leah XX

  3. We are having a great time looking at everything you are getting up to,much appreciated!Have a great time at Flamingo Land!Cian is always wanting me to see if blog is updated to look for Leah! Have Fun!!

  4. Photos looked great from yesterday. You look like you are all having a ball. Hope the sun shines today for flamingo land and you all have a ball stay safe and listen to the teachers . Have fun!

  5. Love waking up to all your news. Looks like you are all having the best time ever. Miss you lots Niamh, love seeing your wee happy face in the photos xxxx

    Lots of love
    Mum, Kevin, Robbie and baby Charlie xx

  6. Looks like you’s are having a great time. Hope your having a great time hope love the photos. Lots of love mum paige and Kenzie xxx

  7. You all look like you are having a fantastic time and your blog is amazing, enjoy the rest of your week xx

  8. Pleased too see you are having a good time. The school will be proud of you for all the nice comments said about you all. Missing you lots

  9. Loving the pictures and the blog. Looks like everyone is having a ball!. Great to see your wee smiley face Karly and looking forward to hearing all your stories. Take care and have fun! Hope the weather stays good!

  10. Hello, We hope you are having a great time. We enjoyed looking at your photos. We especially liked the photo of the boy in the gallows. We hope you all got out of the dungeons and nobody got left behind!
    We really miss you and we are looking forward to hearing about all the stories of your adventures.
    Some of the boys and girls want to know what you are having for your tea?
    Enjoy the rest of your trip.
    Lots of love Primary 1a, Mrs Creighton and Mrs Cameron

  11. I am loving your photos they are fantastic!!!

    Have a brilliant time today love and miss you Adam xxxx

  12. Looks like you are all having a great time, love the blog and all the pictures. Well have fun for the rest of your trip, see you tomorrow.

    Love Dad, x

  13. Hi, Looks like you are all having fun

    Love the blog and the pictures, enjoy the rest of your trip.

    See you tomorrow,

    Love Dad, x

  14. Looks like you are all having plenty of fun. Love seeing all the pictures.Hope you all enjoyed Flamingo land today. Look forward to seeing you tomorrow Amy xx

  15. I bet you all are exhausted by bedtime. Teachers will be for sure – being older!! The wide variety of organised trips look fantastic. Keep up the fabulous fun time! Wonderful blog for finding out what you are all up to each day. Even if Papa & I have to stand on our heads to view some of the upside down pictures lol! Hope White’s Granny & Papa Rennie xx

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