Author Visit – Charlie Higson

I was very proud of Class 2.1 during Charlie Higson’s visit! Every pupil prepared a question to ask Charlie at the end of his reading and by the end of ‘question time’ our class had definitely asked the most (and best!) questions. Click on the link below to see the ITV article and photograph…

3 thoughts on “Author Visit – Charlie Higson

  1. Hello again.

    I thought the Charlie Higson visit was great.
    I really enjoyed his talk and I thought he was really interesting.
    I am half way through the book ‘The Enemy’ and it is amazing.
    Does anyone know where I can get the follow on ‘The Dead’

  2. That’s great Holly, I’m glad Charlie Higson’s visit inspired you to read ‘The Enemy’. You can get a copy of his new novel ‘The Dead’ from Miss McGough’s library but if it’s already on loan you can borrow mine (although it’s a very special signed copy so you’d have to promise to look after it!).

  3. Thank you Miss Donoghue.
    when I am fifnished with ‘The Enemy’ I will have a look in the library :).

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