Newsround Project

After studying Across the Barricades the class asked if they could present the news themselves which I thought was an excellent idea! So we…

  • Worked in News Teams: World news; UK news; sports & showbiz; weather
  • Researched current news stories using a variety of websites
  • Created news scripts
  • Recorded their newsround programme live in class!

The class can’t wait to watch their Newsround Project (and hilarious bloopers too!).

12 thoughts on “Newsround Project

  1. I enjoyed the Newsround project because it was a lot of fun watching my friends doing their role play as tv presenters. I am sure the class and Miss Donoughue had a good time listening to what people had to say.

  2. Hello, this is Iain, I like your blog page but you have made a spelling mistake when you tried to write newsround but you wrote newsrounf.

  3. Well spotted Ian! This shows the importance of always checking your work as even your English teacher can make a mistake!

  4. hi miss donoughue xx
    i really enjoyed diong the newround project it wass a real laugh especially goerges face == xxx thanks for giving us such a good project x 😛

  5. hello miss , i liked doing the newsround project because it involved like having a role as a director with making your own script plus performing it was so funny , everyone enjoyed it ….. thanks …… x

  6. Hello, this is Iain, i really enjoyed the newsround project i thought it was very funny and really enjoyed working in teams with other people.

  7. Hi its Louis.I really enjoyed the newsround project it was really funny watching people present the news.Especially George he was hilarious

  8. Hi, it’s Darren. I thought the news round project was awesome and funny. Its was funny watching George’s group.

  9. I liked this project as I found it interesting and exciting to do, I enjoyed finding out about things from the news that I would never normally watch and can’t wait to watch the finished dvd !!!

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