247 Tales Competition

Class 2.1 are taking part in a monthly online writing competition that challenges them to write short stories using 247 words or fewer! This month’s theme is THE HAUNTED HOUSE.


2.1 are to complete this imaginative writing task as homework.

 Stories to be typed or handwritten on A4 paper.

Submitted to Miss Donoughue no later than the 20th of every month.



2 thoughts on “247 Tales Competition

  1. Hello 🙂

    I think the 247 tales competition is a really good idea because it means that our homework isn’t just going in our folios it also means that it can get sent away and we can maybe win but there are alot of other schools enter as well ;).
    It is extremely hard not to go past 247 words as sometimes you do just get a little carried away :D.
    It can get your mind racing on plenty of different things and i’m pretty sure that Miss Donoughue loves reading them and we all have fun writing them :D.


  2. Of course I love reading them. You guys have amazing imaginations and I think this monthly homework task is a great opportunity for you to use them! Hopefully the October winners will be announced soon…fiingers crossed!

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