Waste Policy

Mossend Primary School

Waste and Recycling Policy

Review every two years

It is important for the Mossend Primary School community to have an awareness and understanding of the effects of their actions upon the environment in which they live, work and relax. In order to do this, we need to take responsibility for our own actions and we need to have a sense of duty and care for the world in which we live. The ways in which we will strive towards this goal is to Reduce the amount of materials we use and waste we produce, Re-use materials wherever possible, Restore what is deemed to have been destroyed and Respect our neighbours and our environment.

Reduce Energy

We will switch off lights when they are not in use.

We will keep outside doors shut in cold weather.

We will make sure we turn off taps when they are no longer needed.


We will reduce the amount of paper used in our classrooms and office by:- Writing and printing on both sides of the paper whenever possible.

Filing photocopies for use at a later date.

We will send out letters to parents via e-mail.

In addition, each class and the office will have a waste paper box to enable us to re-cycle our paper.


We will continue to promote the walking bus and the Travel Smart weeks.

We will continue to take part in the cycling proficiency scheme to encourage safe cycling.

We will encourage staff to share transport when going on courses etc.



Gardening waste will be put into the schools compost bins.

Donated materials including containers

Mossend Primary School will try to find uses for donated materials. This may be to help with storage or for use in art.

Where uses cannot be found, we will endeavour to recycle it.


Paper will be re-used within the classroom. Each class will have a box of partially used paper that can be used again.

Display paper will be taken down carefully and re-used wherever possible.

Paper will be used on both sides wherever possible.


At Mossend Primary School, we recycle a range of materials on a regular basis.

Paper is collected in paper bins in every classroom and office area. This will be collected on a weekly basis by the Eco team and placed in the paper recycling bin on site.

Once a year we have ‘Blue Bag collections’, which contain clothing, bed linen, soft furnishings, soft toys and shoes.

The eco-committee will continue to evaluate our recycling scheme and add to the materials for recycling when necessary.


Areas disturbed by sport, by accident, or by malicious damage will if possible be restored to its original condition.

Children will be encouraged to treat all school equipment with respect. Books and other equipment will be repaired wherever possible.


Our first and most important school rule is that we respect one another. This rule will permeate all we do whether it is discussing global issues, welcoming people of different races, faiths, abilities, or dealing on a daily basis with each other.

We will extend this respect to the environment and all living creatures.


Events such as assemblies and the children’s work will be another way of measuring the effectiveness of this policy.

The Eco committee will measure the levels of recycling.

The Eco committee will review this policy annually.


This policy will be reviewed every two years.

February 2014

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