Litter Policy

Anti-Litter Policy


Our boys and girls have the right to learn in a clean and healthy environment.

It is our goal to create a litter-free school.

We should reduce, reuse and recycle waste wherever possible.

We should see these aims extending beyond the school gate.

All members of the school community have the right to suggest ways to improve the school environment.


All members of the school community have a responsibility to:

not drop litter;

minimise waste;

use recycling facilities whenever possible;

pick-up litter they see lying around and

assist the school janitor in maintaining a clean site wherever possible.

All staff have a responsibility to support pupils in achieving these aims and have a responsibility to:

support pupils and help them deal with litter problems;

use recycling bins for all used paper;

use a scrap paper tray in class for drawing;

encourage children to use both sides of the paper;

empty bins regularly and

arrange and co-ordinate waste disposal from the site.

The school eco-team has a responsibility to:

provide adequate waste and recycling bins;

listen and respond positively to suggestions on how to improve the

school environment and

promote anti-litter education within the school and its curriculum.

The boys and girls in our school have a responsibility to:

follow the advice of the eco-team;

put their own litter into the correct waste bins;

use the scrap paper trays and

help everyone to keep a litter free environment.

October 2013

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