Tag Archives: Science

Living Eggs

The school were excited to get a special delivery of living eggs last week. We all loved watching the eggs in the incubator and some of us were lucky enough to see a chick hatch! Tom saw one hatch and said when it came out, it had goo all over it! The girls’ football team saw one hatch just as they were waiting for their coach. The chick didn’t come out straight away. It broke the egg and the egg rocked and moved for a while. Eventually 7 chicks hatched and we have loved going to see them and hold them. All our chicks leave us today and we’ll be sad to see them go!DSC01791DSC01788DSC01790DSC01789DSC01771DSC01770

Solar Eclipse!

P6 had an amazing opportunity today to see the solar eclipse! We all went out with our special glasses on. It was really cloudy and we didn’t think we would see anything but we did see when the clouds cleared! Sophielee said the sun looked like a banana as the moon covered it! Keira said the sun we could see looked like  a strip of fire. Kenzie thought it looked like a paper cut out with orange paper underneath and black paper on top. Lewis thought the sun looked like a smiley face. As the moon covered more of the sun it started to get dark then as the moon moved on, it got lighter again. P6 thought it was beautiful and overwhelming!

Watching the eclipse with our viewers on.
Watching the eclipse with our viewers on.