Category Archives: Social Studies

P6 trip to Scotland Street School

On the 4th June, Primary 6 visited Scotland Street School for a lesson with a ‘Victorian’ teacher to help us in understanding our Victorians theme. We were all pretty scared of her, even those who said they weren’t! (The faces say it all!) Everyone was surprised at how strict she was. We had to sit in rows with our backs against the chair and arms folded. If we were asked to answer a question, we had to stand and say, “Ma’am”. If we forgot, she was very angry with us. She asked us some really difficult sums and we got a chance to copy Victorian handwriting from the board. We used slates and pencils, as well as fountain pens and ink. We weren’t allowed to make a mess with the ink and had to use blotting paper to mop up extra ink from our page.

She showed us the belt and hit it on the table in front of us! It made a huge noise and we were all nervous that she might need to use it! Thankfully, we behaved so well that she didn’t need to. We’re really glad that children are protected now from being hurt and our teachers don’t treat us like that!

At the end of the lesson, the teacher came out of character and showed us she was actually really nice. She asked for volunteers to wear the dunce hat and we all laughed when Abi had a shot.

We were all very glad to get back to 2015 and think our school and teachers are much better than what the Victorians had!DSC01926 DSC01927 DSC01931 DSC01934 DSC01952 DSC01961 DSC01954

P5 Trip to Stirling Castle

Primary 5 had a great trip to Stirling Castle to learn more about their topic The Wars of Independence and about castles. The first part of the day was led by a tour guide who took the children to different parts of the castle and then allowed them to look at and touch some of the weapons that would be used in the battles. The second part of the day the class split into three groups and we explored the castle ourselves. We looked at the kitchens, the rooms in the palace and the children got to play many games. All of the children had an excellent day.SAM_0960SAM_1015SAM_0972SAM_1012SAM_1020PSAM_0968SAM_0970SAM_1018

Primary 3/4 School Trip to Stirling Castle

Primary 3/4 have been learning all about castles and were able to visit Stirling Castle to learn more. This was the perfect opportunity to combine both the castle and the circus themes that they have explored this year. The first part of the day was set by the children as they led the way around the castle exploring the grounds and getting involved in some interactive learning.  After lunch, they had a guided tour by their very own court jester who also taught them some circus skills.

Group photo at the entrance to the castle.
Group photo on the stairs.
Having a rest.
Having a rest.
The knights.
Learning about the castle from Mary of Guise.
Lunch break.
Looking at the view.
Fun with John the Jester.
Learning some historical facts.
Jester Club
Learning more about the history of the castle.
The Lords of the group.
View of the Wallace Monument.
More fun with John the Jester.
The lords and ladies with King Mark.
Circus skills workshop.
Diablo demonstration.
Spinning plates demonstration.
Spinning plates.
Juggling practise.
Diablo skills.
More juggling.
Spinning plates and flower sticks.
Balancing the spinning plate.


Primary 3/4 Fairtrade Fortnight

During Fairtrade Fortnight, Primary 3/4 children learned about the cocoa plant and the products that can be made from the plant. They learned about the Dominican Republic and the farming that happens there. They then recorded the information by taking notes.

Fairtrade Powerpoint
Fairtrade Powerpoint
Fairtrade  Note Taking
Fairtrade Note Taking
Fairtrade Note Taking
Fairtrade Note Taking
Fairtrade Note Taking
Fairtrade Note Taking