Tag Archives: Primary 5

P5 Rugby

Primary 5 have just finished taking part in a set of rugby lesson taken by a specialist coach. They really enjoyed these lessons and completed many rugby activities. The children fully participated in these lessons and learned about rugby and how to play.

P5 Trip to Stirling Castle

Primary 5 had a great trip to Stirling Castle to learn more about their topic The Wars of Independence and about castles. The first part of the day was led by a tour guide who took the children to different parts of the castle and then allowed them to look at and touch some of the weapons that would be used in the battles. The second part of the day the class split into three groups and we explored the castle ourselves. We looked at the kitchens, the rooms in the palace and the children got to play many games. All of the children had an excellent day.SAM_0960SAM_1015SAM_0972SAM_1012SAM_1020PSAM_0968SAM_0970SAM_1018

P5 Comic Relief


The whole school took part in a day of fundraising for comic relief where they participated in a danceathon. The children in primary 5 also completed other comic relief activities during the day and learned a lot about the charity. The children all had a chance to play a board game that described the difficulties of a child in Africa attending school. All of the children designed a new red nose for comic relief and came up with some great ideas, giving them names and superpowers. They also had a chance to create a red nose day monster using their knowledge from their shape topic. Throughout the day the children in primary 5 did a lot of dancing. Every time they heard a song they had a dance and in the afternoon the open area was transformed in to a dance floor where many of the children displayed some great moves. The children also attended a zumba class during the day.SAM_0922SAM_0923SAM_0918SAM_0929SAM_0911SAM_0912

P5 Swimming

Primary 5 have now completed their 12 week block of swimming lessons. The children really enjoyed taking part in both the swimming and the badminton lessons. All of the children participated well and learned new skills both in and out of the pool. They will now use this information and the new skills learned to create a video in ICT. This will be used to inform the children going to the lessons next year what to expect and how to get ready for the lessons.