Tag Archives: Drama

School Show – “Daniel, a hard act to swallow!”

Here are some photographs of the actors, dancers and narrators from out recent school show “Daniel – a hard act to swallow!”  Well done to everyone who took part.  The show was a great success.  The singers in the choir were amazing too!

The Poor Hebrews
The Poor Hebrews
The evil governors!
The evil governors!
The bossy guard and Daniel
The bossy guard and Daniel
Daniel with King Darius
Daniel with King Darius
The chef and the giggling girls.
The chef and the giggling girls.
Dancers from the crowd!
Dancers from the crowd!
Abednego, Shadrach and Meshach
Abednego, Shadrach and Meshach
The Lions
The Lions
Calvinusand Kleinius - fashion designers
Calvinus and Kleinius – fashion designers
Our extra Hebrew!
Our extra Hebrew!