Category Archives: P3/4

Cracking News for Primary 3/4

The school received a special delivery on Monday 9th March with the arrival of 10 eggs. Two days later, 7 fluffy and healthy chicks were born. We have visited the chicks every day and were even able to hold them. Parents were invited to come along and visit our fluffy friends!


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Living eggs hatching
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Meeting the chicks.
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Checking out the eggs.
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Excitement about meeting the chicks.
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Brooder Box.
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Fluffy Friends.
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Parents join us to meet the chicks.
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Parents join us to meet the chicks.
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Parents join us to meet the chicks.
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Parents join us to meet the chicks.

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Primary 3/4 Fairtrade Fortnight

During Fairtrade Fortnight, Primary 3/4 children learned about the cocoa plant and the products that can be made from the plant. They learned about the Dominican Republic and the farming that happens there. They then recorded the information by taking notes.

Fairtrade Powerpoint
Fairtrade Powerpoint
Fairtrade  Note Taking
Fairtrade Note Taking
Fairtrade Note Taking
Fairtrade Note Taking
Fairtrade Note Taking
Fairtrade Note Taking

Primary 3/4 Health Week

The children in Primary 3/4 were very busy during our school’s Health Week. We were visited by a dental nurse who talked all about keeping  our teeth and gums healthy. We also learned about the Eatwell plate from a visitor, Mrs Duncan, who taught us about the different food groups and why they are important. This is known as Food for Fitness. There was an opportunity to go on a smoothie bike and then drink the smoothie afterwards! As well as all this excitement, we had a visit from our friend Iain from Getting Better Together and we were able to perform the circus skills he taught us last term now that we are experts.

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Look at us spinning plates
Dental Hygiene Talk
Dental Hygiene Talk
Dental Hygiene Talk
Dental Hygiene Talk
Eatwell Plate
Eatwell Plate
Using the energy we get from our food to move our bodies
Using the energy we get from our food to move our bodies
Dykehead 2014 066
Juggling skills.
Demonstrating our Circus Skills
Demonstrating our Circus Skills
Food For Fitness
Food For Fitness

Primary 3/4 Castle Theme

Dykehead 2014 040

The children in Primary 3/4 are enjoying learning all about castles. They have transformed their class to have a royal banquet theme and the group of the week are rewarded by being able to sit at the  “Royal Table”.  At the moment, they are creating a wall display of a castle including a moat and a drawbridge. Over the coming weeks, they will work co-operatively in groups to plan and build their own castle model using recycled items.