P5 Comic Relief


The whole school took part in a day of fundraising for comic relief where they participated in a danceathon. The children in primary 5 also completed other comic relief activities during the day and learned a lot about the charity. The children all had a chance to play a board game that described the difficulties of a child in Africa attending school. All of the children designed a new red nose for comic relief and came up with some great ideas, giving them names and superpowers. They also had a chance to create a red nose day monster using their knowledge from their shape topic. Throughout the day the children in primary 5 did a lot of dancing. Every time they heard a song they had a dance and in the afternoon the open area was transformed in to a dance floor where many of the children displayed some great moves. The children also attended a zumba class during the day.SAM_0922SAM_0923SAM_0918SAM_0929SAM_0911SAM_0912