P3/4 Road Safety Day

Friday 27th March 2015 was Road Safety Day. The children in Primary 3/4 watched a video about Kerr, a young boy who was hit by a car and broke his leg. They discussed this scenario and the different emotions and difficulties around this situation. The children then took turns pretending to be Kerr in a drama activity. The rest of the class interviewed them and asked them about how they were feeling.

In another activity, the children created a story board about a road accident. They wrote about it and drew pictures to go along with the narrative.

They were also able to play a Road Safety game on the smart board. The game is similar to Snake and Ladders but the difference is, they had to answer questions about road safety correctly to be able to move around the board.P1020156 P1020157 P1020158 P1020159 P1020159 P1020160 P1020161 P1020162 P1020163 P1020164