
Welcome to Cambusnethan Nursery!

We believe our Nursery Class is a stimulating and nurturing environment where children are very well cared for, and where they are given diverse, exciting opportunities to learn and grow.

Children can attend nursery from the day after their 3rd birthday if their birthday falls between 1st August and the end of February.


Enrolment to the nursery takes place throughout the nursery year. Application forms can be obtained from the school office or online at North Lanarkshire Council Early Years and can be completed when your child reaches his/her second birthday. Birth certificate and proof of address must be presented.

If you wish your child to start nursery in August please ensure that your form is completed and handed in by the preceding January/February. Details of this are given in the local press annually and will also appear on North Lanarkshire Council’s social media feeds

Settling in

On the first day at nursery, parents and children will be gradually introduced to the routine of the nursery session.  Parents are asked to complete their administration form and share information about their child with a member of staff.

Every child is unique. We like the children to feel relaxed and happy in the nursery from their first day, and we aim to work closely with our families in achieving this. It is important that your child feels safe and secure in their new environment and all staff will look to establish nurturing, positive relationships with them. Your child’s keyworker will discuss with you the best approach to building up your child’s time at nursery to ensure the transition from home is a positive experience. 

It is expected that a responsible adult, over the age of 16, will bring your child to and from the nursery. In the interests of your child’s safety, you should inform the nursery staff if he or she is to be collected by someone not known to nursery team. Safeguarding the children in our care is so important to us and we will not hand over any child to an adult without your permission.