This is an example of a WordPress comment, you could edit this to put information about yourself or your site so readers know where you are coming from. You can create as many comments like this one or sub-comments as you like and manage all of your content inside of WordPress.
Hey , AWESOME new blog hope to see more posts and just a tip never use yellow on a post, it dosn’t show up……:)
go to image chef to customize a picture, then go to export, save picture as and call it what you want and then copy and paste on to your blog heres an example on Garry’s blog
Hi.Im Mason and im with my friend cammeron.We are going to tell you,in ten easy steps,how to make a post tags
1.First set up a post.To do that click site admin as you may know.
2.After you have wrote what you want there will be a box that says ‘Post tags’.
3.Click on the search box in that box and type your tag name.
4.If you want to use an old tag that you have used before click on ‘Choose from the most used tags in Post Tags’ and your most used tags will apear.
5.Once you make/use a tag it will come up the name of your tag with an X next to it.
6.To delete a tag you just click on that X
7.You can put a post in more than one tag.
8.After that you publish the post.
9.Go to your blog and you will see your posts under ‘my post tags’
10.The more things you put in a tag the bigger it gets
This is an example of a WordPress comment, you could edit this to put information about yourself or your site so readers know where you are coming from. You can create as many comments like this one or sub-comments as you like and manage all of your content inside of WordPress.
Hey , AWESOME new blog hope to see more posts and just a tip never use yellow on a post, it dosn’t show up……:)
go to image chef to customize a picture, then go to export, save picture as and call it what you want and then copy and paste on to your blog heres an example on Garry’s blog
Hi.Im Mason and im with my friend cammeron.We are going to tell you,in ten easy steps,how to make a post tags
1.First set up a post.To do that click site admin as you may know.
2.After you have wrote what you want there will be a box that says ‘Post tags’.
3.Click on the search box in that box and type your tag name.
4.If you want to use an old tag that you have used before click on ‘Choose from the most used tags in Post Tags’ and your most used tags will apear.
5.Once you make/use a tag it will come up the name of your tag with an X next to it.
6.To delete a tag you just click on that X
7.You can put a post in more than one tag.
8.After that you publish the post.
9.Go to your blog and you will see your posts under ‘my post tags’
10.The more things you put in a tag the bigger it gets