Category Archives: News

Bingo Night

As you will have heard we have had to cancel our planned race night on Friday.

We have arranged instead a Bingo Night on Wednesday 6th May at the Cambusnethan Club.

Tickets and raffles will be on sale after each session until the day of the Bingo.

We also require more raffle prizes.  Thanks for your support.




Art Activities

In the nursery this week children have the opportunity to take part in a range of Commonwealth Games themed art activities.  These include making playdough and creating the logo, painting the logo and making our own version of the Queen’s Baton!

Nursery – P1 Transition Day

They boys and girls in the nursery moving on to school after the holidays spent part of the day in the school today.  They spent time looking round parts of the building, in the primary 1 classroom and playing games in the gym hall.  It was great to see all the P1 children and nursery children mixing so well!  Everyone seemed to have a really good time!

Focus Group

Just a reminder to everyone that this month’s focus group meeting will be on Friday at 11:40am.  If anyone is interested in attending then please add your name to the list on the noticeboard and add any agenda points too.  Children can be left with nursery staff during the meeting.

Thanks for your continued support and I look forward to seeing those that can attend.