Fancy Dress Party

We all had a fabulous time on Friday, dressing up for our fancy dress party. Thank you for making such an effort.

I hope the boys and girls told you all about the fun things we got up to, including dancing, playing games and having a yummy snack.

Thank you for helping us raise funds for the nursery.


We have been enjoying learning all about Easter in the nursery.  We have been learning about the Easter story and how Christians celebrate this special time of year.

The children have also been experimenting with different types of material to create letters and words.  Here are some of the children using tissue paper to create the word Jesus.




This Week 2.3.15

We had a fantastic time on Friday at the Pyjama party.  I am having some technical issues uploading photographs to the blog, but as soon as we have ironed those problems out I will post them to our page.

On Tuesday the Hedgehogs will be visiting the library, we are still short of a couple of volunteers for the morning visit.  If you are available our sign in sheet is in the cloak room.

Our task this week is to post a ‘Bio Poem’.  This is a poem with pre-set questions, so here is our bio-poem about Cambusnethan Nursery.


Nurturing, Enjoyable, Fun, Encouraging.

The nursery class at Cambusnethan Primary School.

Painting, Singing and Learning.

Happy, Inspired and Safe.

Even though on day 1 we may have been nervous or shy

We become confident, enthusiastic school pupils.

We couldn’t have hoped for more,

Here at Cambusnethan
