Kickstart Theatre Company

The Kickstart Theatre Company presented a fun-filled, but hard-hitting anti-social behaviour message to pupils in S4 last week. The cast, all members of the partner organisations of the police, health and other community support services, challenged pupils to appreciate fully both the individual and community consequences of behaviour far too prevalent in today’s society. The cast demonstrated how peer pressure can all too often lead young people into alcohol, drug and substance misuse and crime, including wanton vandalism. ‘Kickstart’ powerfully highlighted how mindless acts of vandalism on railways and roadways and pathways can be fatal.

‘Kickstart’ also praised the willingness of the pupils Ben Grierson, Mark Naughton and Reece Speirs to perform with them as they reinforced their strong good citizenship message with great humour.


Reece Speirs (far left) performs with ‘Kickstart’ during the recent performance at the school.

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