Summer School

With many pupils making the best of the remaining weeks of the summer holiday, a group of new S1 pupils came back to school early by taking part in this year’s Clyde Valley Summer School. The 13 youngsters met up with their soon-to-be senior friends from sixth year to enjoy a 3-day transition programme under the general theme of Healthy Living and Healthy Lifestyles.

The S1 pupils took part in the icebreaker and team gems with great enthusiasm and fun! David Kennedy, Clyde Valley’s Active School’s Coordinator, led the young health fanatics on a mountain-bike challenge around the school campus.

Esther Craig, the school’s Partnership Officer and Summer School Coordinator, and her team of sixth year peer educators praised the wholehearted commitment of the group. Assisted by Miss Marie McGough, our Librarian, and Miss Claire Douglas of the English Department, worked with the children as they researched healthy foodstuffs and produced posters of their own to promote healthy living.

Learning Support Teacher, Miss Kate Wilkie organised a visit from a Guide Dog for the Blind, a visitor who proved to be the most popular visitor of the week.

Summer School again proved to be an important element in the school’s P7/S1 transition programme with these pupils gaining valuable extra time in their new school before the start of session on 16 August.


The Clyde Valley Peer Education team flanks this year’s S1 Summer School participants in a break from their busy, three-day programme of activities.

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