S1 Exploring World Food – Foods of Scotland

M McGough

As part of an Exploring World Food unit, S1 Home Economics classes have been attending the library to carry out research on Scotland. The Home Economics department provided pupils with a handout which contained information on the history of Scottish foods and cooking methods, Scottish baking traditions and modern cuisine. Pupils were then set the task of using library resources to gather more information on Scottish food, history, the geography of the country, traditional costume and famous Scots. Each class enjoyed working on the project and used a variety of texts and websites to glean relevant and interesting facts about Scotland.

The Foods of Scotland unit acts as an introduction to Scottish culture and tradition ahead of the S1 ‘Celebration of Scotland’ in November. It works alongside Scotland projects run by various departments throughout the S1 school year like Scottish music traditions, Scottish scientists and the Vikings in Scotland.

St Andrew’s Hospice Cheque Presentation

Some of the staff and pupils who took part in the recent Strathclyde Park Annual Fun Run on behalf of St Andrew’s Hospice were delighted to welcome back Margaret Donald, from St Andrew’s, to hand over a cheque for the money they raised through sponsorship. Just under 70 senior pupils and staff took part in this year’s run and raised a magnificent £2040 through generous sponsorship. Margaret Donald expressed the sincere thanks of everyone at St Andrew’s for this fantastic effort and for Clyde Valley’s ongoing support of the work of the Hospice.

Pictured at the cheque presentation ceremony are: (left to right) Miss Marie McGough, Liam Findon, Ross Megahy, Margaret Donald, Katie Lawson, Mr Cameron McKay and Pamela Kerr

Set alight by Science

A brand new Science Club is up and running at CVHS and the first meeting proved to be a hit with the pupils. Ms Pathmanathan joined with pupils to carry out a ‘Methane Bubbles’ experiment. They also carried out a demonstration where the Technicians showed the pupils ‘Elephant’s Toothpaste.’ The finale proved to be explosive when pupils were shown what happens when a hydrogen balloon is set alight! Following meetings of the Science Club proved to be just as explosive, with pupils carrying out a ‘Coke and Menthos Mints’ experiment resulting in some dramatic effects!

Pupils at the Science Club watching the hydrogen balloon experiement and the coke and menthos mints

Further meetings of the club promise to be just as exciting, with new experiements including ‘The Iodine Clock.’ If you are interested in joining the club, contact Ms Pathmanathan for more details.