• Free software

    I have posted in the past about lots of great free software. However I did not have a central place for the links. I have fixed that, if you look to the right you will see the new “Free Software” links. I will post new links here as I use or find them. It might […]

  • The Scottish Voice

    We had a demo in school of some software to help Dyslexic pupils. During the discussion the Scottish voice project was brought up. The Scottish Government funds CALL Scotland to provide a Scotland-wide schools licence for ‘Heather’ and ‘Stuart’ – a high quality Scottish computer voice from CereProc in Edinburgh. The voice is licenced for […]

  • End of course surveys

    Well this year I decided to take the paper exercise, online. I have used survey monkey and even Glow in the past but this year I though I would give Google forms a try. [kml_flashembed movie=”http://www.youtube.com/v/IzgaUOW6GIs” width=”425″ height=”344″ allowfullscreen=”true” fvars=”fs=1″ /] I will post some graphs of the results when they are all in

  • Creating an advert for the screensaver

    So our new whole school photo screen saver is now up and running. There are still a couple of bugs to be worked out the system but these can be worked around just now. The screens in the school are nearly all 4×3 aspect ratio. This means when you create your advert you need to […]

  • Photosynth

    This has been around for a while and I always meant to get round to using it but there was never the occation. Well this week our pupils have been hard at work creating and designing our new entrance space. We have used a blog to gather ideas and plan a wall display with all […]

  • Shut down or restart?

    The Royal Society have published their report into the state of Computer Science in school in both England and Scotland. Here are their main findings. Main findings 1. The current delivery of Computing education in many UK schools is highly unsatisfactory. Although existing curricula for Information and Communication Technology (ICT) are broad and allow scope […]

  • XP Login Screen saver

    It seemed like such an easy task when I started doing it. Take a powerpoint slideshow and display it before the user logins in, on our workstations. I wanted to display revision notes on our XP workstations in the Business ICT suites, when they were sitting unused. I settled on exporting the slides as JPGs […]

  • Muvizu

    I was looking for some easy to use 3d animation software, Alice is nice but not exactly easy to get into. I found a review on the register and it took me to Muvizu, what a cracking little piece of Windows software. I confess to not having used it for hours (yet) but first impressions are magic. […]

  • Cheaper software

    I am a big supporter of open source software. You just have to look down my posts to see that most of these pages use “free” software or sites. It is worth bearing in mind however, that you can get full versions of software packages for student and teacher prices. Have a look around the […]

  • Web Backgrounds & logos

    The web is full of sites doing backgrounds and logos, bgpatterns is nice and simple. The choice of images is quite limited but the tile effect is quite pleasing. Also don’t forget about cooltext.

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