• Twitterfeed

    I am using http://twitterfeed.com/ to tweet the posts I am making in Glow blogs. The idea is to make sure that pupil followers on twitter get a prompt to check the subject blog. It would me nice if I could customise the post so it just said “Coltness PTICM Blog – <some URL>” . As […]

  • In-service Training

    Today we made sure that all of our Glow resources are up to date. This is in preparation for the snow that might effect us this winter. Blog for all courses and make sure every pupil can log in.

  • How to make 3D images

    I had to share this article from NASA on how to make your own 3D images with a 2D camera. You will need a copy of Photoshop but if you check the Internet you should find article or two based on GIMPshop. Check out these samples.

  • Game to Learn?

    A note for my pupils. I spent all Saturday at game to learn. Where we listened to a lot of educators talking about using video games to learn new skills. If you want to check out the #gametolearn hash tag on twitter you will get a better sense of what was going on. Abertay is a […]

  • Computer Jargon

    Computer jargon is hard to get your head round at times. WARNING Youtube videos, comments and posts often contain unsuitable language and material that may be age sensitive. They are out with the school’s control and should be viewed with caution. [kml_flashembed movie=”http://www.youtube.com/v/kAG39jKi0lI” width=”425″ height=”344″ allowfullscreen=”true” fvars=”fs=1″ /]

  • Free Microsoft programs

    I thought I would share this article with you. It covers a range of free Microsoft products (or add ons) that you should find useful at all levels of education.

  • 1st Generation iPad

    I borrowed an iPad over the Christmas holidays to see what kind of benefits it could bring to me. My aim was to look at it from multiple angles teacher, student, administrator and casual user. Here is a quick review of my finding, there are more to come as I have only managed to get it into […]

  • Some helpful advice

    OK so some people will be a little panicked by Tesco & a few other e retailers are dropping delivery to Scotland However, that doesn’t mean you should just buy from any old site. This video should help. Email offers are often too good to be true, be suspicious, for very cheap deals often turn out […]

  • CfE 4 Free

    Well I was helping out with the NLC CfE roadshow. My theme was free or at least cheap ICT resources. I have tried to keep the software as multi platform as I could and have stayed away from Linux only products. I know that I should have more primary school resources, but I just don’t […]

  • Inside a CPU

    Its always handy if you have a scanning electron microscope in your room. Microprocessors are small, but its not until you get them under a microscope that you find out how small. http://www.sciencystuff.com/?p=24

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