All posts by Mr Finnon

Hi All!!

Hi, It is me The Bear. I just found this letter from Harvey in P.2/3. It asks that I do not trash his class or make a mess. Sorry to Harvey and all the boys and girls. I do not mean to be untidy. I just like to come in and have a nosey about your school and I am a bit clumsy where things get knocked over. Don’t tell the teachers but sometimes they forget to logout and I can use their passwords to post on here. It is great fun using ICT.

I hope you all had a great time at your Bear Walk maybe you saw my cousins they live over near that park. You could maybe put on some photographs then I can have a look. Can I go with you the next time?

Hello Boys and Girls

Hello Boys and Girls. I am lost from my family. I am living in the grounds of your school. I come out at night when you have all gone home. I like to look in your classrooms and sometimes I read your books. I also like to make dens in the playground and use your trim trail. Maybe we can meet one day. Bye Bye for now but look out for my clues around the school.