Super Science!

For our taught writing lesson today we decided to try a science experiment called ‘The Rising Egg’. We have been learning lots about the life cycle of the chick recently so thought this experiment would be a good link. We worked cooperatively to plan and carry out the experiment before writing it up in our jotters. We will monitor the cups over the next week and record our findings.

Chicks – Day 7

Today the children continued to take care of the chicks by cleaning their brooder box and giving them fresh sawdust, water and food. The children noted how different the chicks looked as they are growing bigger and now beginning to develop their adult feathers all in the space of a week, wow! We took turns to hold the chicks, they were very peaceful. We also had good fun naming the chicks and after much deliberating decided upon Mary, Millie, Alice, Lois, Roxy, Fluffy, Comet, Drifter and Disco. Super names!