Green Fingers Fun!

The children visited Rawyards today to help plant trees with the Forestry Commission.  It was great fun and although it was chilly they enjoyed being outdoors in the fresh air and sunshine. They are all looking forward to visiting the site again to see their trees growing. Well done everyone, great job!

Chicks – Day 10

We were all very sad to see the chicks leave this morning. It has been a great 2 weeks watching the chicks hatch and grow day by day. We hope they settle in well to the farm. I am so proud of the children as they have shown that they are responsible citizens and successful learners in the way in which they looked after and took good care of the chicks. Great job Primary 5, well done!

Chicks – Day 9

Unfortunately we are getting ready to say goodbye to the chicks tomorrow. We are sad that they have to go to the farm but have really enjoyed taking care of them and making sure that they are looked after properly. It has been a great learning experience for all of us.

Chicks – Day 8

The chicks have been very lively today and have been making a mess of their brooder box by tipping out their food and climbing on top of their water container! They have had lots of visitors today and are enjoying being held and gently stroked.

High School Visit

Today Primary 5 went to St Margaret’s for a half day visit. They got a tour around the school by some of the second year pupils and they visited many different departments such as RE, English and Science. Everyone took part in a group Maths Challenge which proved to be trickier than they first thought! It was a fun morning and they are already looking forward to a full day visit next year in Primary 6.

Super Science!

For our taught writing lesson today we decided to try a science experiment called ‘The Rising Egg’. We have been learning lots about the life cycle of the chick recently so thought this experiment would be a good link. We worked cooperatively to plan and carry out the experiment before writing it up in our jotters. We will monitor the cups over the next week and record our findings.