Useful Websites

 Please let Mrs McPhee know if any websites are no longer available.

General Sites for All

BBC Brainsmart

BBC Fake News

BBC Scotland

Britsh Library

Cambridge Online Dictionary

Chess Kids learn and play chess

Collins Higher free resources

Complete Issues

Crash Course

DK Resources

DK Eyewitness

E-sgoil Support

Ferret Fact Service

Full Fact

Google Keep  a versatile organisational tool allowing you to create virtual post it notes, pictures, lists and reminders

How Stuff Works

Info Please Encyclopaedia

Internet Legends

Issues Online  (via school Glow Homepage)

Jigsaw Planet free online jigsaw puzzles

Learn My Way

Literacy Trust

Microsoft 365 Training

National Library of Scotland EResources

National Library of Scotland resources for Advanced Higher pupils

Plagiarism Checker

Raintree Free Resources

Scottish Book Trust

Smithsonian Resources

Snopes Fact Checking

The Day

The Week Junior

Art and Design 

BBC Bitesize Nat 5 Art

BBC Bitesize Higher Art

Design Museum

Digital Photography

Digital Photography School

Draw With Rob

Glasgow School of Art

Google Arts and Culture

How stuff works Art

Kelvingrove Art Gallery


National Galleries Scotland

Photography (Guardian)

Room 13 International


Smart History

SQA Past Papers Nat 5 Art

SQA Past Papers Higher Art

SQA Past Papers Higher Photography

SQA Past Papers Advanced Higher Art

Tate Kids

V and A Museum Dundee

Visual Arts


BBC Bitesize Nat 5 Biology

BBC Bitesize Higher Biology

BBC Habitats

Bright Red Books Nat 5 Biology

Bright Red Books Higher Biology

Bright Red Books Higher Human Biology

Bright Red Books Adv Higher Biology

DK Find Out Animals

DK Find Out Human Body


School Science – Biology

Scottish Wildlife

Sparks – Biology

SQA Past Papers Nat 5 Biology

SQA Past Papers Higher Human Biology

SQA Past Papers Advanced Higher Biology

Study Jams Plants

Business and IT

BBC Bitesize Nat 5 Business Management

BBC Bitesize Higher Business Management

BBC Business

BBC Scotland Business

Be Internet Awesome

Bizz Wizard

Bright Red Books Nat 5 Business Management

Bright Red Higher Business Management

Business Education

Enterprise Trading Game


Microsoft Office lessons to teach you about/refresh skills on Microsoft Office

SQA Past Papers Nat 5 Administration

SQA Past Papers Nat 5 Business Management

SQA Past Papers Higher Business Management

Two Teachers

Two Teachers Twitter

Typing Test


BBC Bitesize Nat 5 Chemistry

BBC Bitesize Higher Chemistry

Bright Red Books Nat 5 Chemistry

Bright Red Books Higher Chemistry

Bright Red Books Adv Higher Chemistry


Miss Adams Chemistry

Royal Society of Chemistry

School Science – Chemistry

Sparks – Chemistry

SQA Past Papers Nat 5 Chemistry

SQA Past Papers Higher Chemistry

SQA Past Papers Advanced Higher Chemistry

Computing Science

BBC Bitesize Nat 5 Computing Science

BBC Bitesize Higher Computing Science

Be Internet Legends

Blockly Games

Bright Red Nat 5 Computing

Bright Red Books Higher Computing

British Computing Society

Code Academy

Code Club

Future Engineer

SQA Past Papers Nat 5 Computing Science

SQA Past Papers Higher Computing Science

Tynker Coding

English and Literacy

Audible Books

Authorfy daily challenges and activities

Barrington Stoke Dyslexia and Reluctant Readers

BBC Bitesize Nat 5 English

BBC Bitesize Higher English

BBC Sounds

Bibliomania free short stories and poetry

Books For Topics free stories read by authors

Bookzilla Scottish Book Trust’s reading app

Bright Red Books Nat 5

Bright Red Books Higher English

Bright Red Books Adv Higher English

Classroom Cereal

Cliff’s Literature Notes

Collins Higher English resources

Complete Issues

DK Find Out English

DK Find Out Dyslexia

DK Find Out Poetry

DK Find Out Shakespeare

English File

Fun English Games

Full Fact Checking Information

Literacy Trust


Make Beliefs Comix

Many Books free ebooks

Michael Rosen Channel Stories and poetry tips

National Literacy Trust Virtual Library Videos and audio books

No Fear Shakespeare

Oak Academy Virtual Library

Project Gutenberg over 60,000 free ebooks


Royal Shakespeare Company

Scots Hoose Scots language resources

Scots with Oor Wullie

Scottish Poetry Library

Scottish Book Trust

Scottish Book Trust Authors on Demand


Sparks Notes

SQA Past Papers Nat 5 English

SQA Past Papers Higher English

SQA Past Papers Advanced Higher English

The book of hopes

Tom Palmer readings 


Word of Mouth exploring the world of words

Write Express tips for descriptive essays


BBC Bitesize Nat 5 French

BBC Bitesize Higher French

BBC French

Bright Red Books Nat 5 French

Bright Red Books Higher French

Bright Red Books Adv Higher French

Coffee Break French

Collins French Dictionary

Duo French

France’s Official Tourist Website

Languages Online

Lightbulb Languages


Map France

SQA Past Papers Nat 5 French

SQA Past Papers Higher French

SQA Past Papers Adv Higher French

Word Reference Dictionary


BBC Bitesize Nat 5 Geography

BBC Bitesize Higher Geography

BBC Earthquakes

BBC Environmental Hazards

BBC Geology

BBC Volcanoes

BP Geography

Bright Red Books Nat 5 Geography

Bright Red Books Higher Geography

Bright Red Books Adv Higher Geography

DK Find Out Earth

Ducksters Geography

Geography Games

Google Earth

Magikbirds – Rainforests


NASA Climate Change

National Disasters

National Geographic

National Geographic Society

National Geographic for Kids

NLS Learning Zone Geography

NLS Maps

Science Facts – Rainforests

Signet Library Maps

SQA Past Papers Nat 5 Geography

SQA Past Papers Higher Geography

SQA Past Papers Higher Environmental Science

SQA Past Papers Advanced Higher Geography

Study Jams Geography

WWF Climate Change


Active History

BBC Battle of Bannockburn

BBC Bitesize Nat 5 History

BBC Bitesize Higher History

BBC Children of The Holocaust

BBC Robert the Bruce

BBC Scottish Wars of Independence


Bright Red Books Nat 5 History

DK Find Out History

Ducksters Civil Rights

Experiences from the Great War

History Extra

The Holocaust

Holocaust Memorial Day

NLS Learning Zone History

North Ayrshire Heritage

NTS Bannockburn

NWM William Wallace


Sparks – History

SQA Past Papers Nat 5 History

SQA Past Papers Higher History

SQA Past Papers Advanced Higher History

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum


BBC Bitesize Nat 5 Hospitality

BBC Food Techniques

Bright Red Books Nat 5 Hospitality

Bright Red Books Nat 5 HFT

Eat the Seasons

Eggs Info

Fair Trade Uk


Food A Fact Of Life

Food Miles

Food Standards Scotland

Healthy Eating

Healthy Living and Eating




SQA Past Papers Nat 5 Practical Cookery


Advanced Higher Maths

BBC Bitesize Nat 5 Maths

BBC Bitesize Higher Maths

Bright Red Books Nat 5 Maths

Bright Red Books Higher Maths

Bright Red Books Adv Higher Maths

DK Find Out Maths

Dynamic Maths

Maths at Home

Maths is Fun

National 5 Maths

NRich Maths

Scientific calculator

Sparks – Maths

SQA Past Papers Nat 5 Maths

SQA Past Papers Higher Maths

SQA Past Papers Advanced Higher Maths

Study Jams Maths

Topmarks Maths

Transums Maths

Modern Studies/Politics

Amnesty International

BBC Bitesize Nat 5 Modern Studies

BBC Bitesize Higher Modern Studies

BBC Politics Live


Bright Red Books Nat 5 Modern Studies

Bright Red Books Higher Modern Studies

Capital Punishment

Collins Higher free resources

Complete Issues

DK Find Out Politicians

European Parliament

European Union

The Guardian

Gun Crime

Human Rights (Guardian)

Human Rights 

Learning Parliament

Politfact  fact checking website

Refugees (United Nations)

Refugees (Save the Children)

Scottish Government

Scottish Parliament

Sparks – USA Government and Politics

SQA Past Papers Nat 5 Modern Studies

SQA Past Papers Higher Modern Studies

SQA Past Papers Advanced Higher Modern Studies

SQA Past Papers Higher Politics

UK Parliament

United Nations


BBC Bitesize Nat 5 Music

BBC Bitesize Higher Music

Bright Red Books Nat 5 Music

Bright Red Books Higher Music

DK Find Out Musical Instruments

DK Find Out Types of music

SQA Past Papers Nat 5 Music

SQA Past Papers Higher Music

SQA Past Papers Music Techology

SQA Past Papers Advanced Higher Music

Physical Education

BBC Bitesize Nat 5 PE

BBC Bitesize Higher PE

Bright Red Books Nat 5 PE

Bright Red Books Higher PE

Collins Higher PE free resources

DK Find Out Sport

Sports Nutrition

Sports Scotland

SQA Past Papers Higher PE

SQA Past Papers Advanced HIgher PE


BBC Bitesize Nat 5 Physics

BBC Bitesize Higher Physics

Bright Red Books Nat 5 Physics

Bright Red Books Higher Physics

Bright Red Books Adv Higher Physics

Inside the Perimeter

International Space Station

Mr Mitchell Physics

Mrs Physics

School Science – Physics

Sparks – Physics

SQA Past Papers Nat 5 Physics

SQA Past Papers Higher Physics

SQA Past Papers Advanced Higher Physics


Alcohol Abuse

Apprenticeships Scotland

Beat Eating Disorders

Breathing Space

Child Line

Choose Life

Drug Abuse

Find A Job

My Job Scotland

My World of Work


Respect Me

S1 Jobs

See Me

Skills Development Scotland


Work It

Young Minds

Young Scot


BBC Bitesize Higher  RMPS

BBC Buddhism

BBC Christianity

BBC Hinduism

BBC Islam

BBC Judaism

BBC Sikhism

Bio Ethics Education Programme

Bright Red Books Nat 5 RMPS

Capital Punishment

Collins Higher RMPS free resources

Complete Issues

Human Rights

Info Please World Religions

Medical Research

SQA Past Papers Higher RMPS

Virtual tour Central Mosque Glasgow

Virtual Tour of Golden Temple

Virtual Tour of Synagogue

YPI Scotland


BP Science

Find Out Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Life

DK Find Out Earth

DK Find Out Science

DK Find Out Space

Ducksters Science

Edinburgh Zoo Live

Glasgow Science Centre

Inside The Perimeter

National Geographic

NLS Learning Zone Science

School Science

Science Kids


BBC Bitesize Nat 5 Spanish

BBC Bitesize Higher Spanish

BBC Spanish

Bright Red Books Nat 5 Spanish

Bright Red Books Higher Spanish

Coffee Break Spanish

Collins Spanish Dictionary

Duo Spanish

Languages Online

Lightbulb Languages


Map Spain

Spain’s Official Tourist Website

SQA Past Papers Nat 5 Spanish

SQA Past Papers Higher Spanish

Word Reference Dictionary


BBC Bitesize Design and Technology

BBC Bitesize Nat 5 Graphic Communication

BBC Bitesize Higher Design and Manufacture

BBC Bitesize Higher Graphic Communication

Bright Red Nat 5 Design

Bright Red Nat 5 Woodworking

Collins free Higher  Graphic Communications resources

Design and technology

Design Class


SQA Past Papers Nat 5 Design and Manufacture

SQA Past Papers Nat 5 Graphic Communication

SQA Past Papers Nat 5 Practical Metalworking

SQA Past Papers Nat 5 Practical Woodworking

SQA Past Papers Higher Design and Manufacture

SQA Past Papers Advanced Higher Design and Manufacture

SQA Past Papers Advanced Higher Graphic Communication

Technology Student


Tomorrow’s Engineers

What is Graphic Design?


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