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Fire Fighter Talk

Today firefighters came to speak to the P6/7 classes about safety and bonfire night. The fire fighters showed us some videos about people who had been injured on bonfire night. Some people had been playing had been playing with fireworks, others were innocently enjoying a display. They told us not to play with fireworks or bonfires because it is dangerous.

They told us to wear gloves when using sparklers and keep them at arms length. We should also be aware of other people near us when we are using sparklers. A bucket of water should be kept beside the sparklers and the used sparklers should be put in the bucket after use. If you happen to catch fire, you need to drop to the ground, cover your face and roll until the flames stop. One adult should set off fireworks in a large back garden. If a firework doesn’t go off after it has been ignited, you must head indoors because the unexploded firework could go off at any time.

Buddy Training


On Wednesday, speech therapists Mrs Johnstone and Mrs Fletcher came to visit our school.  Four children got to go to the nursery to play with the wee ones.  Then, the speech therapists came to talk to us about three tips for helping to talk to younger children.  These were: face to face, OWLING (observe, wait and listen) and follow your buddies lead.  We played the birthday game and did some acting.