Work for WB 18.05.20

Hello Boys and Girls,

Remember boys and girls to treat these activities as a pick’n’mix. Dip in and out of them and try do a little bit of everything, if you can!



Copy or type your spelling words 4 times and pick ONE spelling activity to do from the list below. Aim to do this every day.

This Week_s Spelling Choices – May

  • Pyramid writing
  • Rainbow writing
  • Dictionary
  • Acrostic poem
  • Silly sentences
  • Short story
Spelling game

Spelling city have a great range of free spelling games.

On the left hand side there is a button that say free click on that.


Choose a book from Bug Club  to read and answer the questions once you have finished Reading.

Bug Club has been updated so you will need to enter your login details again unfortuately.


Novel Study – Gangsta Granny by David Walliams

Gangsta Granny Chapter 9 to 13

Chapters 9 and 10 (p.76-90)
LI: We are learning to write in the first person.
SC: I can write in the first person.

Finish Granny’s story about the theft of her first ring. (Make sure it’s written in first person) and then give a short prediction about what you think will happen next.

gansta_granny_final_version                      Work through pages 11 to 14 


  • Write about one of the adventures that granny might have had when she was the most wanted jewel thief in the world.
  • Imagine that you are Mr Parker. Create a set of Neighbourhood Watch rules to help others in the community stay safe from crime.


  • The author challenges the reader to do nothing but count for sixty seconds. Estimate how long sixty seconds is… use a clock / stop-watch to check your estimate.


  • Make a scale model of the Tower of London, like Ben does at school.
  • Can you plan and make an animated trailer for the book, using this one for ideas?


  • Where are the girl and the dragon? What can they see from this place? What are they looking at?
  • Why are they here?
  • Are they friends? Does the girl own the dragon as a pet? Or does the dragon own the girl as its pet?
  • What species of dragon do you think it is? Is it friendly?
  • Does anyone else know that they’re up here? What might other people say about their friendship?
  • Give this picture a new title. Explain your choices and persuade others that yours is the best title.
  • Write about the adventures of the girl and the dragon.


  • Write/say sentences about this picture using the following prepositions:
    • behind
    • underneath/under
    • inside
    • on
    • above
    • beside
    • between
  • Who is Howl?
  • What is Howl interested in?
  • What kind of personality does Howl have?
  • Get to know Howl – use these ‘20 questions to get to know a character‘.
  • What is the most unusual object in the room? Why?
  • What can you see in Howl’s room that could be found in your own room too?
  • What do you think is on the rolled up scrolls (centre front)? Is there a Pokemon in the Pokeball?
  • What is Howl reading?



1.  Go onto Sumdog
2. Measurement



Remember if their is anything you would like to ask me you can do so on the teams section of outlook or send me an email.

Health and Well-being

Virtual Sports Day!


Virtual Sports Day Grid WPPS


Also, Hollie has a weekly family learning challenge set on the ‘handy links from home’ tab.

Handy links for home

Topic – The Rainforest

Remember to check out the grid of activities for you to do on the rainforest. So head over and check it out. 🙂

Miss Taylor is looking forward to reading your research tasks on the Rainforest. When we return to school we will spend time sharing our learning on the Rainforest

In Term 4 we will be working on a Science topic learning about sound. As an introduction to this new topic use the log on details below to get on to the Tig Tag website.
 (USERNAME: gw09farromorag PASSWORD: Tigtag2018)
Click on the what is sound link below to open up activities.

What is Sound?  <—- click

Once we understand more about sound a big part of our learning will be researching how animals use sound to communicate. I felt this fitted in really well with our Rainforest topic and I think it will be a really interesting topic for us to learn about.


I saw this and thought it was amazing see if you feel this works and let me know


North Ayrshire Competition

A competition between NA

primary pupils to test your
information gathering skills!
You will judged on originality.
Choose any five challenges.
email your project entries to:
Closing date June 15th

Choose 5 Challenges!  <——– click

Please also take the time to explore the huge range of apps and websites that are available on the blog.

Please also log onto the Teams chat via outlook to tell everyone what apps/websites/games you have been on that you enjoyed so that others can try them too.

Live chat this week will be at 11:00am on Thursday morning via Teams chat to see if time suits everyone better.

I’m looking forward to hearing from you then.

Speak to you soon,

Miss Taylor 🙂