Work for WB 11.05.20

Hello Boys and Girls,

Remember boys and girls to treat these activities as a pick’n’mix. Dip in and out of them and try do a little bit of everything, if you can!



Copy or type your spelling words 4 times and pick ONE spelling activity to do from the list below. Aim to do this every day.

This Week_s Spelling Choices – May

  • Pyramid writing
  • Rainbow writing
  • Dictionary
  • Acrostic poem
  • Silly sentences
  • Short story
Spelling game

Spelling city have a great range of free spelling games.

On the left hand side there is a button that say free click on that.


For those of you who feel they need to continue to work on their handwriting please practice your letter formations with the sheets below. Also, practice the spelling of these words too.

Here is a video that follows the same letter formation that we use at school.

Please have a go and practise these as often as possible .

Also, here are some handwriting sheets

Choose a book from Bug Club  to read and answer the questions once you have finished Reading.


Novel Study – Gangsta Granny by David Walliams

Gangsta Granny Chapter 4 to 8


  • Make up some new book titles which include alliteration, e.g. The Perilous Postman, Annoying Aunties, Groovy Grandad. Could you write a story based on one of these book titles?
  • Granny’s door makes a ‘Clunk’ sound as it is closed. Can you think of other words that describe a sound (e.g. oink, bang, swish)?


  • In Chapter 5 there is a timetable for ‘granny’s hectic life’. Could you create a new, more exciting, timetable with lots of different activities at various times each day? Could you make up some questions for others to answer about your timetable (e.g. How long does a particular activity last?).


  • Design an advert for one of Raj’s special offers.
  • Draw a picture which shows what granny’s box of diamonds and jewellery looks like.


This week I would like you to look at creating a Persuasive piece of writing.

Firstly, choose your own topic from the list Below.

Look at the Powerpoint on what Persuasive writing is.


Look at the example piece of writing to give you an idea.



1.  Go onto Sumdog and complete the competiton activity.
2. Measurement



Remember if their is anything you would like to ask me you can do so on the teams section of outlook or send me an email.

Health and Well-being


At the moment, you might be feeling a bit down in the dumps or feeling like you can’t achieve something.

YOU are capable of anything as long as you believe in yourself and keep trying.

I hope you enjoyed watching the Dojo videos from last week. Did you manage to reflect on the key messages of these videos that may have expanded your growth mindset?

Complete the activity below about Success.

What do you want to become success at?

 Stay positive everyone and look after your mental health.

Here is a wee bit of P.E. to keep us active. Hope you enjoy!


Also, Hollie has a weekly family learning challenge set on the ‘handy links from home’ tab.

Handy links for home

Topic – The Rainforest

Remember to check out the grid of activities for you to do on the rainforest. So head over and check it out. 🙂

Miss Taylor is looking forward to reading your research tasks on the Rainforest. When we return to school we will spend time sharing our learning on the Rainforest

In Term 4 we will be working on a Science topic learning about sound. As an introduction to this new topic use the log on details below to get on to the Tig Tag website.
 (USERNAME: gw09farromorag PASSWORD: Tigtag2018)
Click on the what is sound link below to open up activities.

What is Sound?  <—- click

Once we understand more about sound a big part of our learning will be researching how animals use sound to communicate. I felt this fitted in really well with our Rainforest topic and I think it will be a really interesting topic for us to learn about.


I thought this week we would learn German

A little bit about Germany

  • The name for Germany in the German language is Deutschland.

  • The population of Germany was around 82 million in 2010.

  • The capital of Germany is Berlin, it is also the largest city.

  • Other major cities include Munich, Hamburg, Cologne, Stuttgart and Frankfurt.

  • Germany is a member of the European Union.

  • Germany has had an unsettled history, including the Nazi regime and tension between East and West Germany (which were reunified in 1990).

  • Countries that border Germany include Belgium, the Netherlands, Denmark, Austria, the Czech Republic, France, Luxembourg, Poland and Switzerland.

  • Germany has the largest economy in Europe.

  • Large German companies include BMW, Adidas, SAP, Mercedes-Benz, Nivea, Audi, Bayer, Volkswagen and Siemens.

  • Germany has a number of important natural resources, including copper, nickel, natural gas, uranium and coal.

  • Germany is in the process of phasing out nuclear power plants.

  • There are many national parks in Germany include the Bavarian Forest National Park, Jasmund National Park, Harz National Park, and the Wadden Sea National Parks among others.

  • Over 100 Germans have been awarded the Nobel prize in their field, including Albert Einstein, who was born in Germany.

  • Germany has been home to famous composers such as Johann Bach, Ludwig van Beethoven and Richard Wagner.

  • The German coat of arms features a black eagle against a yellow shield.

  • Football (soccer) is the most popular sport in Germany.

  • For more information, check out maps of Germany or take a closer look at the German flag.

 Please also take the time to explore the huge range of apps and websites that are available on the blog.

Please also log onto the Teams chat via outlook to tell everyone what apps/websites/games you have been on that you enjoyed so that others can try them too.

Live chat this week will be at 11:00am on Thursday morning via Teams chat to see if time suits everyone better.

I’m looking forward to hearing from you then.

Speak to you soon,

Miss Taylor 🙂