Work WB 30.03.20

Hello everyone,

Here we are at Day 7 of working from home. I hope you are all well and are enjoying the activities on the blog. 🙂 Thank you all for your hard work and positivity at this time. I am looking for any suggestions that you would like to see on the blog to keep everyone motivated.

Just like last week here are some activities for you to complete over the course of the week. You can work through the tasks at your leisure. 🙂



Copy or type your spelling words 4 times and pick ONE spelling activity to do from the list below. Aim to do this every day.

I am aware that a couple of you were not able to access the spelling words. So, I have inserted a screen shot of them for you.

march contract                                <——————–


  • Pyramid writing
  • Rainbow writing
  • Dictionary
  • Acrostic poem
  • Silly sentences
  • Short story
Spelling game


For those of you who feel they need to continue to work on their handwriting please practice your letter formations with the sheets below. Also, practice the spelling of these words too.

Here is a video that follows the same letter formation that we use at school.

Please have a go and practise these as often as possible .

Also, here are some handwriting sheets



Choose a book from Bug Club  to read and answer the questions once you have finished.

I have also uploaded a key comp pack too all about the planet .

You choose the difficulty.

Red Chilli Ability

Yellow Chilli Ability

Green Chilli Ability




Hope you are getting on ok accessing Sumdog.  I have created a focused challenge to complete. You will have till Friday to complete the challenge.

Also, their is a money challenge below. You can print this off and write on it or write onto it via an ipad or tablet.

money 7

money 8

Money 9

Money 10



Remember if their is anything you would like to ask me you can do so on the teams section of outlook or send me an email.

Health and Well-being

I know at the moment what is happening is strange and unsual and a lot of you may have questions and may even feel worried or anxious. However, I believe that where possible, we should try and look for the positives around us.

I would like you to take some time to reflect on what you are appreciative of and look for some of the positives that you are grateful for during this time away.

Just remember this will soon pass!

Meditation Time

You can register for a free trial session of the basics package which includes 10 taster sessions. Why not try it at home.

Topic – The Rainforest

I have also uploaded a grid of activities for you to do on the rainforest. So head over and check it out. 🙂

Please also take the time to explore the huge range of apps and websites that are available on the blog.

Please also log onto the Teams chat via outlook to tell everyone what apps/websites/games you have been on that you enjoyed so that others can try them too.


Speak to you soon,

Miss Taylor 🙂