Welcome to P5/6’s news for Term 1. We have all settled in really well and are enjoying making new friends. Here is some of the learning that has happened so far this term.
This term the Primary 6’s will be finding out about Space and the planets in our solar system. As part of their learning they will create model size planets using balloons and paper mache. The Primary 5’s are also focusing on Science this term and are learning about Electricity, in particular circuits and series. As part of their learning they will be designing their own toys and drawing a circuit for it, using different components.
In P.E we will be developing our fitness on a Tuesday with Mrs Williams and will be focussing on our Volleyball skills on a Friday. As part of our warm up’s in PE we have introduced a variety of Better Movers, Better Thinkers activities which the children are already enjoying. This focuses on communication, teamwork and links with our learning in Numeracy (time).
In Numeracy our focus is on number and number processes, including adding, subtracting, dividing and multiplying. We are also developing our knowledge of place value and negative numbers. During this terms we are using Number Talks as a way of developing our mental strategies. P5/6 will also be learning about time with Mrs McGregor on a Wednesday.
In literacy we are focusing on developing our writing skills, concentrating on vocabulary, connectives and punctuation. We will also be learning about similes and metaphors in poetry and will use this to create our own piece of poetry. This term we will be reading a variety of books during guided reading sessions, as well as online activities through BugClub.