Last week!
This is the last week of homework Primary 4, woohoo! Can you please make sure that all reading books are returned on Thursday.
Please find bellow the spelling words, they have been set for the week. Click on the link below to access some fun activities to help learn the spelling words.
Continue reading your book at home and log onto BugClub for some additional reading. If you are reading a book of your choice at home, prepare some information about it to share with the class.
Numeracy and Maths
I have set a Sumdog challenge for this week, revisiting what we have been learning in class. Log in using your Sumdog details.
Remember to keep practicing your times tables also please!
Sumdog Log In
Health and Well-being
We are celebrating Healthy May at Whitehirst Park. Take part in as many healthy activities as you can and send in your photographs on Twitter to @WhitehirstPs using the #HealthyMay or via email to your teacher or Mr.Anderson (
For our topic we have been learning about Kilwinning and all about the history. Speak to some family members and find out what they can tell you about Kilwinning. We will share anything we found out on Thursday!