Work At Home Wb begin. 16.3.20

Primary 2 Homework 16.3.20

Primary 2

Week beginning 16.3.20


  1. Log into GLOW – Send Miss Johnstone an email.  Type a sentence about something you have learned this week.

Miss Johnstone’s email address:

2. Log into Bugclub.


  1. Practice counting backwards and forwards with numbers 0-121, start at different numbers.
  2. In your numeracy jotter, how many ways can you make 22.
  3. Log into Sumdog.


Health and Well-being:

  1. What healthy activity have you done this week? Draw and write in your literacy jotter what this was?





Please return for Friday 20th March 2020.


(Any problems logging into GLOW, Sumdog or Bugclub, please let me know – many thanks)


Miss Johnstone