Some ideas
- Write answers to simple comprehension questions.
- Ask a partner simple questions to go with the book.
- Read the book again for pleasure or read to a friend or a soft toy.
- Write down 3 fascinating facts you learned from a non-fiction book.
- Re-tell the story to partner/teacher/class.
- Write/discuss alternative ending for text.
- Simple pictorial Book Reviews.
- Add new vocabulary to Reading & Writing Wall.
- Read, write & draw 6 words from book. (write before drawing)
- Find words from their book with 2/3/4/5 letters and record them.
- Reading scheme games or CD Roms.
- Read onto a tape.
- Choose a favourite sentence to read, write and draw.
- Find the title, author and illustrator of the book.
- Find a rhyming word in the book that matches words given by the teacher.
- Using wordless books, write some text for each page to tell the story.
- Using a wordless book, add speech bubble post its.
- Use a newspaper to highlight or cut out words from the book.
- Design a new cover and title for book. (only when book is completed. Take book away)
- Dictionary work, e.g. highlight 3 tricky words for a partner to find and clarify.
- Find 10 words beginning with ‘A’ /’sh’ from the book, write onto a whiteboard.
- Find a word in the book for each letter of the alphabet [or known sounds]
- Find words containing sh/ch/ee/oo etc.
- Grammar work –Put in capital letters or full stops from a piece of text. (could use Textease)
- Grammar Hunt – read and find nouns, verbs, adjectives etc. (could use Textease)
- Highlight capital letters/full stops/exclamation marks/question marks/speech marks etc from a piece of text (could use Textease)
- Find all the words in the book with a capital letter and copy them on a whiteboard.
- Choose 6 words from the book to practise spelling with a partner, using whiteboards.
- Lotto/word bingo games to reinforce vocabulary.
- Play snap/pairs using key words from book.
- Play snap/pairs to match vocabulary to pictures.
- Draw a character/setting from the description in the text. (add key words?)
Follow Up Tasks for Reading
- Write about what a character might be thinking or feeling, using speech bubbles.
- Highlight 5 adjectives and give alternatives. (could use Textease)
- Look in text for alternatives for said, small, big, happy, sad etc and add to the Reading & Writing Wall.
- Make a poster for an event in the text e.g. a party.
- Research topic/author/illustrator on Internet. (with support)
- Cloze procedure.
- Write a simple blurb (synopsis) from the back cover in your own words.
- Make a cartoon strip showing the sequence of events in a part/whole book.
- Sentence reconstruction. Copy text and cut up. Ask a partner to reconstruct the sentence correctly.
- Read and discuss another text by the same author.
- Act out an event as a drama using puppets.
- Write about a favourite character.
- Draw an alternative illustration for a page.
- Identify and record words with the same letter patterns/beginnings/endings.
- Choose a piece of environmental print from the book and make a large copy to display.
- Find smaller words within words, with a partner.
- Look for and record compound words, with a partner.
- Make a zig-zag book of the story.
- ‘Draw the Face’ sheets for main characters.
- Character/word jigsaws.
- Listen to stories on tape.
- Play simple reading games created by the teacher example in booklet (To be enlarged)