Home Learning 22nd June

Good morning Primary 2, we are nearly there! Just a few more days of Home Learning before you can have a well deserved break.

During the holidays you might go on a trip where you are near water such as a pond, loch, river or beach, and it is important that you understand the dangers and how you can stay safe, as well as what to do if anything does go wrong. A lady from the RNLI sent Mrs Robertson a link to a website, with lots of great activities and videos, to teach you all about water safety.


With summer peeking round the corner I have downloaded a booklet with lots of fantastic links. Just choose a subject then click on the word GO. This will take you to a page of different activities to choose from. Since it is the last week you can choose to do as much as you like.

End of Term Activity Book (1)

Our Teams Chat will be on Thursday at 11.30 this week. It would be fantastic if you could all join in and share your news, one last time, before the holidays.