World book day have made all their online books free, please use the link below and enjoy a variety of wonderful texts:

Book Reviews

I thought it would be a great idea to use this page to review any and all books you have read at home. In the comment box below just put the book title, a short blurb, then a review 4/5 sentences long explaining why you did or did not enjoy the book, a star rating out of 5 and finally your name. This way we get to share all our favourite stories and hopefully find some new favourites. Either way, we get to share our love of books and stories.


A Monster Calls

A young boy named Conor struggles to come to terms with a difficult situation involving his Mum. For help, he calls on the help of a Monster.

This is a beautiful book and story which explores love and loss. It is a difficult and sad tale to read but also an important and incredible look at how crucial it is to embrace change and loss rather than hide away from it. I cried twice whilst reading the book and for me that’s the biggest compliment  I can give, it made me feel. Whenever I pick up a book I want it to make me feel something and this book made me feel upset  as well as hopeful, joyous, all at once which isn’t easy to do and why it is my favourite book of all time.

5 stars *****