Just a reminder that this will be the last week of homework before the summer holidays.
Please complete your spelling homework and learn your spelling pattern.
Elephants and Giraffes May 23rd
Please read your book at home. Ask someone to ask you questions on what you have read. Can you ask questions to check they were listening? Books will go out on Monday, please return them for next Monday. Thank you.
Please login to your sumdog account. I have uploaded a homework challenge for you to take part in. Try your best and enjoy!
Health and Wellbeing
We are celebrating Healthy May at Whitehirst Park. Take part in as many healthy activities as you can and send in your photographs on Twitter to @WhitehirstPs using the #HealthyMay or via email to your teacher or Mr.Anderson (gw15andersonjamie@ea.n-ayrshire.sch.uk)
If you have any questions, or if you have issues with logins, please get in touch.
Mrs Miller