Homework Wk Beg Mon 16th May

Just a little reminder that sports day will be held on Wednesday 18th May and throughout the month of May we will be celebrating Healthy May with a range of activities across the whole school.


We are learning to measure using non standard units. Thinking about shorter than/longer than, find and draw three things in your house or garden that are shorter than your hand span and three things that are longer than your hand span.


Thank you for returning reading books. New books will be sent out on Monday and should be returned on the following Monday as usual.

Please complete your spelling homework and learn your spelling pattern.

Cheetahs and Zebras May 16th

Elephants and Giraffes May 16th

Health and Wellbeing

We are celebrating Healthy May at Whitehirst Park. Take part in as many healthy activities as you can and send in your photographs on Twitter to @WhitehirstPs using the #HealthyMay or via email to your teacher or Mr.Anderson (gw15andersonjamie@ea.n-ayrshire.sch.uk)

If you have any questions, or if you have issues with logins, please get in touch.

Mrs Miller
