
Term 1 Homework

Each child has been issued with a home learning passport. This is a little white booklet with all of your child’s login details for Bugclub, Sumdog, Education City and their Glow account. If you have any trouble logging in to any of these accounts, please feel free to email me at gw15millermhairi@ea.n-ayrshire.sch.uk. Please try logging in to all of these accounts to check that they are working. Thank you.

Homework will be uploaded to the blog weekly and a jotter will be sent home for you to use. The jotter (and any worksheets sent home) should stay at home and do not need to be brought back into school on a Friday.


Use this site to play interactive maths games and develop your maths and numeracy skills. Remember to use your log-in details which are in your digital passport.


Bug Club

Use your login details to access the site, this is in your digital passport. Remember the school code is whpa. Choose one of the books you have been allocated and read the book. Remember to think carefully before answering the bug club questions as you go through the text.
