Hello everyone,
Please could you bring a carrier bag to school on Friday the 24th June, to take home finished work.
Thank you,
Mrs Williams
Hello everyone,
Please could you bring a carrier bag to school on Friday the 24th June, to take home finished work.
Thank you,
Mrs Williams
Hope you enjoy looking at the photos on our new menu, showing some of our learning in term 3.
As part of our Health and Wellbeing and Scotland topic we will be learning about where food comes from? Look in your cupboards at home and find 5 or 10 different food items from around the world. Could you either draw, photograph, or write a list of the food and the country it is from? We will look at your answers on Thursday afternoon.
You can add your pictures to this blog
We would like to say a great big thank you to Mrs Pless for talking to us about her small business. It was fantastic to see how to design patterns and then learn how it is made into fabric before being sewn into clothes.
We were also very lucky to have a visit from the fire fighters at Kilwinning Fire Station and learn about their job and how they help people.
These big tools are used to cut or push open cars, if people are stuck inside, when they crashed.
This fire fighter is telling us about the special suits that they wear. They have tanks on their backs to help them breathe when they are in smoke. The suits have special material to protect them from flames.
Lots of long hoses are kept in the fire engine. They can get water from fire hydrants in the ground.
There are computers in the front of the fire engine which have maps to show the driver how to get to the fire.
Most fireman wear yellow helmets with visors but the boss wears a white one so we know who is in charge.
Take a look at our November Outdoor Learning Day page and our Maths page to see our new learning.
P.s sorry for some dirty children coming home.
Happy Halloween from Primary 2a
Tug of War
Spooky beanbag race with Mrs Gillan and the No Hands Balloon race with Mrs McInnes
Kidz Bop Halloween Dancing and Party Food. Thank you very much to everyone who gave us some lovely treats.
Our Spooky Sponsored Walk, walking for 10 minutes round the gym hall.
We pretended to be zombies, ghosts and giants!
We got batty when we made our craft bats to decorate our homes.
This week’s SHORS Super hero is Monitoring Mo. Have you been practising using your reading super powers while you read in school and at home?
Take a look at the posters and strategies on the SHORS page.
Happy Reading!!
More photos have been shared in our Maths page to show us investigating 3D shape.
We were also using nature to make symmetrical pictures during our Outdoor Learning. The wind kept blowing our leaves away!
Hello everyone.
I have posted a little video which can help you remember what way to write your numbers, by using your hand to practise! Check out the Useful resources to help with Maths Homework page. Good luck practising!
Mrs Williams
Lots of photos added to show our active learning across the curriclulum. Hope you all enjoy sharing what you have learned with someone in your home.
Another new SHORS strategy added this week too. Hope you have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Williams