Attention and Listening

5 key skills

Sitting Still

Looking at the person who is talking

Staying Quiet

Thinking about the words spoken

Listening to the words

Follow the leader

1 detective leaves the room, unable to see what is going on inside. One person becomes the ‘fidget master’ and starts fidgeting. Everyone else in the room copies exactly what the ‘fidget master’ is doing. The detective then re-enters the room and has to figure out who the ‘fidget master’ is. The ‘fidget master’ must change their fidget every so often. They can have 3 clues and 3 guesses.

Skills used: Looking, thinking and listening.

Where’s that sound?

Playing music quietly on your phone/tablet, the detective leaves the room and another person hides the phone somewhere in the room. The detective then re-enters the room and has to find the phone.

Skills used: listening, thinking and staying quiet.

20 Questions

Choose a character from a tv show or a film. Everyone else in the room has 20 questions in total to find out who you are thinking of. Everyone can only ask questions that have yes or no answers.

Skills used: Thinking, listening and looking.

Inspector Change

One person has a quick look at everyone/everything in the room. They then leave the room and someone changes something in the room. The detective then re-enters and is tasked to find out what has changed. They can have 3 clues and 3 guesses.

Skills used: Thinking and looking.


Someone chooses a category (e.g sports, music, tv, film etc). Each person has to say a word one after the other that relates to that category. If a word is repeated by anyone, the game stops. How many words can you get in a row before you have to stop?

Skills used: Listening, thinking and looking.

Simon Says

Someone is Simon. Complete an action and if you say ‘Simon Says ‘ the others must complete the action. If you do an action without saying ‘Simon Says’ then the others have to continue with the previous action.

Skills used: Listening, thinking and looking.

Distract Me!

Someone sits in the middle of the group and tries to stay very still for one minute, while the others try to distract them. The distractors can use something fluffy to gently tickle the back of the neck, use something noisy, blow gentle bubbles over the persons head etc. Remember this is a gentle game!

Skills used: Sitting still.

Who will be the Fidgetee?

The ‘teacher’ will ask the detective to leave the room. The ‘teacher’ will then choose someone and give them something to do that will make them fidget e.g. drumming fingers, playing with hair, tapping foot etc. That person will then fidget continuously while everyone else sits very, very still. Shout ‘ Who will be the fidgetee?’ to get the detective back into the room. They have to watch everyone carefully to spot the fidgeter.

Skills used: Sitting still, sitting quietly, looking

Fruit Salad

Everyone sits on a chair and is then given a fruit name. The ‘caller’ shouts out 2 fruits and they have to swap seats. If they shout fruit salad then everyone has to swap seats.

Skills used: Listening, thinking